Upholstered Bed Low-Poly
Low-poly Upholstered Bed with a unique design
Low-poly Triangles count: 29,358
High-poly and low-poly versions are included
Ready for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), metaverses, 3D tours, games and other real-time apps, as well as for advertising and commercial, etc.
- Pivot Point at x0, y0, z0
- Clean UV mapping
- Game-ready
- Real-world size
- Clear naming for all models and textures
- Fully textured with all materials applied
- PBR textures
- All materials and textures are included in the Textures folders
- Textures in 4k (4096x4096), 2k (2048x2048), 1k (1024x1024)
- 1k, 2k textures: Albedo, Roughness, Metallic, ORM in JPEG file format; Normal in PNG file format
- 4k textures: all in PNG file format
- Normal map type - OpenGL
Formats: High-poly model:
- FBX with packed textures
- blend
Low-poly model:
- FBX with packed textures
- blend with 4k textures for FBX and OBJ
- blend with 2k textures for GLB
If you experience any difficulties while using the models, we will be more than happy to offer our qualified assistance.⠀
Thank you for choosing our 3D models!
Sincerely yours,
CyberFox team
Published | 1 day ago |
Blender Version | 3.3 |
Misc Data | uvs-unwrapped, low-high-resolution, normal-mapped, textured |
License | Royalty Free |

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