Summer Sale Results 2022

We held our site-wide Summer Sale at the beginning of the month and it made quite the splash in the Blender World. Blender Market hosts these sales several times throughout the year. Creators have the opportunity to opt in and offer their products at 25% off for the duration of the sale.
Our goals are two-fold. Our customers get great deals and the additional traffic to the site and conversion to sales adds up to benefit our creators.
Our dedication to transparency leads us to share these sale results publicly so everyone can see the great affect your work and your purchase is having on the Blender community. During the five days of the sale, we saw gross sales of $560,493.25, which translates to $451,573.88 in Creator earnings as well as $26,382.09 earned by Affiliates through the 4,957 referrals converted during the sale. $8,821.86 was set aside to be donated to the Blender Development Fund. All of this is thanks to the 10,561 customers who purchased products during this year’s Summer Sale.
881 Creators benefited from the sale this summer as did 75 of their Affiliates.
We’re gonna need a bigger boat for our next pool party!
These numbers reflect just the five days of the Summer Sale August 3-8, 2022.
- Gross Merchandise Volume: $560,493.25
- Total orders: 14,858
- Total creator earnings: $451,573.88
- Total affiliate earnings: $26,382.09
- Total dev fund: $8,821.86
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Summer Sale. We hope you enjoy the sunshine for the rest of the season (or have a comfy jumper if you're on the other side of the world).
- Blender Market
2 months ago