Cyber Sale 2021 Results

Our 2021 Cyber Weekend Sale was a huge success. Each sale brings even more love to Blender Market. This year we saw an increase of 34% in gross sales and also a 31% increase in creator earnings over last year. This is where the real story of this November comes to light.
These site-wide sales are designed to bring more customers to Blender Market and convert more of those visits into sales for our Creators. November 2021 was a huge milestone for Creators and Affiliates who make a living using Blender Market. For the first time since Blender Market began in June of 2014, we completed a payout that surpassed $1M. $978,509.82 was paid to Creators and an additional $48,043.09 went to Affiliates for a total of $1,026,552.91 earned in the month of November.
Blender Market was created as a place for creatives worldwide to make a sustainable living using Blender and that goal has never changed. When 87 creators joined within the first month of launch, we knew that we had something special that would thrive on the quality of work and product support being brought to the market. That community has grown to welcome over 2700 creators and 17,000 products to date.
This month shows just how much this growth translates to how Creators are succeeding. As the numbers expand to enormous amounts, we try to put into perspective how this relates to the goals of the market -- Can a Creator make a sustainable living with Blender?
The answer is yes. In November, 27 Creators earned more than double the U.S. household median income and another 20 still surpassed that average. Overall, 996 individual people from 70 different countries were paid in November. Ten percent of those people earned $1000 or more.
Thank you to everyone who has been on this journey since the beginning, those who are just joining us and everyone that supports Blender and Blender Market to make these goals achievable.
Here is a breakdown of the numbers for the 5 days of the sale:
Gross merchandise value: $629,731.35
Creator earnings: $506.548.94
Affiliate earnings: $28,401.48
Total refunded revenue: $3,906.32
Total Blender Development Fund donations: $11,837.56
Blender Market gross revenue: $~79,037.05
Total products sold: 23,082
Total orders: 11,191
Mark Lowe
about 1 month ago
I think I bought $200 worth of stuff during the sale. :P
about 1 year ago
It’s been a great year and you guys have helped us all grow and become better at what we do! Thank you all and well done on the great effort and outcomes.
Jonathan Williamson
about 1 year ago
Thank you for being a great part of Blender Market!BD3D
about 1 year ago
Congratulation to the blendermarket team!
Jonathan Williamson
about 1 year ago
You helped BD3D!Benedetto Florian
about 1 year ago
An incredible blackfriday! Well done to BlenderMarket and the creators for their great products !
Jonathan Williamson
about 1 year ago
It really was an incredible sale!